Thursday, June 8, 2017

Empty Coffin Significance

In a way, I think that the empty coffin is good for Oskar and his family. Even though in the beginning it upsets Oskar that they're burying a coffin with no body, in the end its a good thing for Oskar because he fills the coffin with all of the letters that his grandfather to his father. not only was this beneficial to Oskar, but to the grandfather as well. He is finally giving his letters to his son after all these years even though he is not alive. For example, the renter (grandpa) explains, "so what's with all the paper?' He wrote, 'things i wasn't able to tell him. letters." (Foer 322). Putting the letters into the coffin was very important to the renter because it gave him closure and a piece of mind. Now, the guilt he feels everyday for the fact that he was never able to mend their relationship before his son passed, will lessen. He believes that even though his son is  no longer alive, he will still be able to read the letters and understand why his father did what he did all those years ago.

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